What are the most profitable project industries of the next decade?

作者 : so-facile 本文共5483个字,预计阅读时间需要14分钟 发布时间: 2019-05-3 共563人阅读

Internet + Sharing Economy

  • The essence is to weaken the “ownership” and emphasize the “use right”, everyone for everyone.
  • Such is the rise of didi kuaidi and bike-sharing. The yellow car is going to be cool, but this is the company’s business strategy, industry standards are not perfect and so on, to catch up with this wave of people have made enough money.
  • If you want to play a bigger game, you can think about sharing a charger, sharing a mobile phone, sharing a book, sharing a house (Airb), sharing a pet (strokehouse), sharing a toy… As long as it is a necessity of life, it can be Shared. As long as it can attract a large amount of capital for financing in a short period of time, the money left over from enough risk deposit can be reinvested, not to mention peripheral profits such as advertising revenue. With risk under control, it’s only a matter of time before you make money.
  • The operation mode of 0 threshold also has, 1) use salty fish, turn secondhand platform low buy high sell hot goods. Literally next tao customer system software, in the above get coupons, and then on the second-hand platform to publish product information and price, pricing low, just earn a commission, someone took the words quickly in taobao took, fill in the buyer’s address, let taobao direct mail past. 2) pay for all kinds of online platforms to share the electronic version of paper books, papers, PPT, articles, forms and other messy things at the price of 1 yuan each. You just need to collect information and put it on it and update it regularly. The original X fish on the second-hand books, finally 1 yuan to buy a PDF scan version, reading very well, the seller of this e-book has hundreds of thousands, he has seven or eight such number, how much do you think he can make?
  • Do not look down upon these small businesses small projects, the initial cost, operating cost is almost zero, the scale of the profit is very considerable

Internet + Education

  • Education is now almost a zero bar industry. Is an individual can open a community on the Internet, sell classes, writing, make money, get rich, flower, painting, cooking, makeup, teach say funny jokes, teach flirt sister… As long as you can produce something interesting and useful, someone will pay. Recorded into video, audio can be repeatedly used, sold. High price is not easy to sell, you bid 9.9 yuan, 4.9 yuan, can always attract a lot of people?
  • Offline education can do a lot. Even month sister-in-law, through milk division, childcare division all want to hold card mount guard, do you say the demand of groom is big or not? And the threshold that runs a training orgnaization is very low, want a vacant room + desk and chair only, a few trainers go. Offline training finished online continue to sell classes, double income. Still have children industry, the demand of nursery class, swim class, early education class explosively grows, guest unit price is breathtaking and high, think carefully next target crowd and price segment, absolutely profitable.
  • To do big education, it is best to establish a personal brand, its own influence is big enough, with its own traffic and resources, do this line to get twice the result with half the effort. So let’s do the second step.


  • In recent years, e-commerce money is not as good as in previous years, but as long as you find the right way, it is still very profitable. The key is the threshold is low enough, as long as the brain willing to endure hardship, you can get a piece of the pie. I’m making a hundred thousand dollars a year now with one C store and I say, okay? Don’t you have to make money by selling your products in e-commerce?
  • Here are some key points for e-commerce:
  • 1) good selection and high profit. Market segmentation, the best card in the competition is not sufficient in the field, for example, socks, socks, socks, cotton socks, silk socks, more conventional. If the card to the five – finger socks this product, the competitors will be much less. Say profit again, anyway I am won’t make sock, guest unit price is too low, sell 100 pairs also can earn 1000 yuan only. If the operation energy is limited, the best guest high unit price, the higher the customer unit price, the higher the profit, 1000 yuan of product profit by 10%, a can earn 100. One order is worth 10 others.
  • 2) precise coverage without seeking too much. Product variety is not too much, but SKU must be more. For instance e jiao this thing, must cent gives high, medium, low grade price paragraph, gift box is installed, common outfit, try out outfit. One is to occupy more search traffic, two is in the customer into the store to retain him, increase transaction conversion rate. Product needs should be complementary and fully covered. For example, a store selling electric fans must also sell hair dryers and air conditioners. It is better to choose products with high demand to ensure that customers, old people, women and children can use them all the year round.
  • 3) customer maintenance and evaluation management. At the beginning and growth stage, these two are the top priority of store operation! How to find customers in the initial stage? Is the fastest method of in WeChat friends first to pull out products and shop and do some free try to eat and buy five send a, coupons and activity, the ones who WeChat into customers, service enthusiasm points, for a high praise, later they will help you to other friends and relatives propaganda, as long as stable every day 3, 5 single sales, store exposure rate and flow rate basically stable.


It’s a truism that real estate and financial insurance are still areas that ordinary people can get into.
Real estate, in the next 10 years, the quality is not healthy, do not encourage the increase of leverage to buy, but can be small leverage with a small amount of rental investment. Specific operation should be decided according to place city, did not spread out to say
Wealth management insurance is undervalued in China, especially insurance. Careful study, according to their own financial resources and situation, the allocation of wealth management, insurance products, can make a small amount of asset appreciation, to resist the risk. In addition, the market is currently large at both ends and small in the middle, and the low-end and high-end markets are doing a lot. The market for the middle class and white-collar workers is not developed enough. There is a broad demand for customized financial planning, insurance consulting, financial planning training and financial planner training, but the threshold is not as high as the technical field.

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So Facile,辣么简单滴说 » What are the most profitable project industries of the next decade?
